Wednesday , February 12 2025

Sultan Bazar Police Nabbed Auto Mobile Lifter (Two wheeler) Gang

Hyderabad; 27 Feb 2023 ( PMI NEWS ): According to DCP East Zone shri R. Giridhar, IPS on 27-2-2024 morning hours A. Naresh, SI 8 Crime staff of Sultan Bazar Police conducting vehicle checking at Ramkot X roads and nabbed auto mobile lifters by name 1) Gunji Ramanjaneyulu, 2) Gogula Gopala Krishna and 3) Shaik Kasinapalli Basha, while they were going on the stolen two Bullet motor cycles. On interrogation the accused persons voluntarily confessed to have committed five offences i.e. one case of Sultan Bazar PS, one case of Gopalapuram PS, one case of Afzalgunj PS of Hyderabad City, one case of Chintalapalem PS Suryapet dist and one case of Suryapet II Town of Suryapet dist. At the instance of the accused persons recovered (4) Bullet motor cycles and (1) Hero Deluxe Motor cycle, all worth more than 8 lakhs.

After registration of the case of Sultan Bazar PS, checked the CCTV footages at the place of offence and found the accused persons Al to A3 have committed theft of the bullet motor cycle from Esamaia bazar. Since, then the Crime staff made efforts in tracing out the accused persons. Today while the police conducting vehicle checking at Ramkot X road and nabbed all the accused persons with the stolen bullet motor cycles. At the instance of the accused persons seize three more stolen vehicles from the parking place at MGBS, Hyd.
three more stolen vehicles from the parking place at MGBS, Hyd.

Accused details:
A-1) Gunji Ramanjaneyulu, S/o. G. china Sambaiah, Age: 21yrs, Occ:
Agriculture, R/o Tangeda, Guntur dist, AP State.
A-2) Gogula Gopala Krishna, late G. Venkata Rao, Age: 20yrs, Occ:
Agriculture, R/o Tangeda, Guntur district, AP State
A-3) Shaik Kasinapalli Basha, S/o. Saida, Age: 24yrs, Occ: labour in Cement factory, R/o Near Peerla Bhavi, Tangeda, Guntur dist, AP State.

The above arrest was made under the supervision of Sri Shankar, ACP
Sultan Bazar division, & Sri K. Muthu, Inspector of Police, Sultan Bazar PS & under my instructions.


45/2024 U/s 379 IPC Sultan Bazar PS.

460/2023 U/s 379 IPC of Afzalguni PS.
TS09FV8544 (Bullet).

395/2023 U/s 379 IPC of Gopalpuram PS.
[TS 10EL 3011 (Bullet)

295/2023 U/s 379 IPC Suryapet II Town PS.
TS 20B 4332 (Bullet),

14/2024 U/s 379 IPC of Chintalapalem PS, Suryapet

TS 05EK 6692 (Hero Deluxe)

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