Hyderabad Aug 27 (PMI): Secretory of Shia United front of India Mr S. M. Ali Jaffari welcome the suggestion of Maulana Ali Hyder Farishta, President of Majma-e-Olama wo Khutaba in its first meeting to the members Majma-e-Olama wo Khutaba to put the SABIL Imam-e-Hussaina.s during mourning days of Muharram. This will be a unique step in the history of Deccan’s Azadari if it is practiced by them and will inspire others to follow them.
The second suggestion of Maulana Farishta’s Saheb Qibla is also appreciable where he asked all the members of Majma-e-Olama wo Khutaba to organize Majalis-e-Aza in sabil and also address the quires of mourners (Azadar).
Mr S. H. Ali Sajjad has requested Maulana Ali Hyder Farishta Qibla and all other Olama and Zakireen to take out at least one Matami Juloos (Procession) by reciting “Nauhas” themselves like Pakistani Olama, which will also be a unique Matami procession in the history of “Deccan’s Azadari”. Citing the current condition of Shia Community in Hyderabad it is much needed to be done. (Press Media of India)