Saturday , July 27 2024

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Islamist insurgency flares in Mozambique

18-06-2024 MAPUTO: “If (the jihadists) knew I was a government official, they would have beheaded me,” Tomas Langa, a civil servant in northern Mozambique, told media. He feels he had a lucky escape. We have changed his named for his safety. Woken in the early hours of 10 May by …

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Boeing boss admits culture ‘far from perfect’

18-06-2024 PARIS: Boeing’s chief executive Dave Calhoun will tell US lawmakers on Tuesday that he understands concerns about its safety culture after a mid-air emergency in January raised alarm. In prepared remarks ahead of the US Senate sub-committee hearing, he said: “Our culture is far from perfect, but we are …

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Saudi Arabia warns of heat spike as Hajj winds down

17-06-2024 MINA: Saudi Arabia on Monday warned of a temperature spike in Makkah as Muslim pilgrims wrapped up the Hajj in searing conditions, with more than a dozen heat-related deaths confirmed. One of the world’s largest religious gatherings unfolded during the oven-like Saudi summer again this year, and authorities recorded …

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India has more nuclear weapons than Pakistan: SIPRI

17-06-2024 STOCKHOLM: India possesses more nuclear weapons than Pakistan in 2024, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) annual assessment. The watchdog, in its assessment of the state of armaments, disarmament and international security, revealed United States owns the most warheads, followed by Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, …

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Thailand’s election at risk as court decision looms

17-06-2024 BANGKOK: Thailand’s nearly one-month-long Senate selection process kicked off last week, amid accusations that the system is skewed in favor of the conservative establishment, and as legal threats against the opposition risk derailing tentative steps back towards democracy. After seizing power in a 2014 coup, the Thai military directly …

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